Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tuesday - 11/13/2018

What We Did Today
We started our Propaganda Project (see directions below).  Students worked in class today, and will work in class tomorrow on the project (due Thursday).

Work on your project if it will require outside-class work.

Discussion Starters
What's your topic for your project? How will you convince others to support your cause?

Propaganda Project
The goal of this mini project is to create a piece of propaganda.  Your propaganda can be a drawing/painting, song, poem, commercial, skit, etc.  Remember, the goal of propaganda is to attempt to influence people to act in a certain way.
Propaganda can use information that is true or untrue.  Propaganda often tries to affect people on an emotional level (making them angry, happy or sad).  Your job is to create a piece of propaganda intended to influence people in some way.
Remember, Paul Revere used many untruths (British commander standing behind troops, a woman in the crowd, the colonists being unarmed and, of course, the dog) in his engraving in an attempt to convince the colonists to fight the British.
Use the following steps to help you complete this project.  Good luck and have fun!
  1. Think of an issue that is important to you.

  1. Research the issue (What facts do you know about the issue? What else do you need to know?).

  1. Think about why this issue is important to you.

  1. Decide what you want/how you want to inform/influence your audience.

  1. Create your piece of propaganda.

  1. Write a paragraph explaining your issue, why it is important to you and how your propaganda is supposed to influence people.

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